The first comment you leave is held for moderation. That’s simply to dissuade the spammers from continuing with their merry games. Once you have a comment approved, any followup comments should go live immediately.
The following rights are reserved:
- There’s a chance your comment isn’t picked up, either through it being caught in the spam filter, or some other technical reason I’m not clued up on.
- There’s also a chance (albeit slim) that I won’t like the cut of your jib, and I’ll delete your comment before it reaches the light of love. The main reasons for deletion are unnecessarily negative or single-word remarks. If you criticise, please be constructive. Comments without an accompanying website are more likely to be deleted than those with.
- Keywords in the name field will be removed or substituted for something mildly amusing.
The vast majority of comments are extremely appreciated. Thanks for your patience, and for reading.
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