One of my recent design favourites is the Helsinki Philharmonic logo and identity, crafted by Bond.

“Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra wanted to reposition its brand in order to strengthen the brand image and overall experience. In a series of workshops the new positioning and identity was crystallised; the power and energy of the music is the orchestra’s driving force. The new visual identity brings alive Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra’s core, all 102 musicians, in both logo and photographic concept.”

Helsinki Philharmonic orchestra logo

It’s a good example of how you can incorporate a lot of detail in a logo (in this case the names of every person in the orchestra), yet also have a simplified version for reproduction at smaller sizes without sacrificing the shape.

Helsinki Philharmonic business card design

The musicians will change over time, sure. But equally, so will the promotional material for concerts.

Helsinki Philharmonic banner design

Helsinki orchestra identity

“While the logo and its applications are creative, grounded in the uniqueness of the ensemble, and works well to link content, it is the work of Marko Rantanen that really stands out, in the movement, energy and detail caught by time-lapse photography. These do a fantastic job of conveying rhythm and sound within a static image and the diversity of the ensemble. The extent to which so many musicians have been captured, and the variety this provides within the context of print and outdoor campaign is fantastic.”

An always well-considered opinion from Richard Baird.

Helsinki Philharmonic brand guidelines

Helsinki orchestra identity

Helsinki orchestra identity

Helsinki orchestra identity

Helsinki Philharmonic posters

More from Bond. Via Brand New.

And for another orchestra logo I found interesting, here’s a brief look at Paula Scher’s work on the New York Philharmonic logo.


I guess it is just coincidence, but I came up with a very similar concept last year, for a sound exhibition about indigenous languages in Latin America. Check the site below if you are curious (the first project):

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