Loan Fund for Musical Instruments, designed 1978.
“Corporate identity for an organisation that provides money for the purchase of musical instruments. The mark symbolises the combination of music and finance.”
Nicholas, designed 1969.
“A corporate identity programme for an international pharmaceutical group, including the design of a unique alphabet for use on signs. Designed at Allied International Designers, London in 1969.”
The archive includes a “reflections” section where you’ll find various talks and articles produced by Lloyd over the years. Here’s an excerpt from his Beyond the logo article, first written in 1985, still relevant.
“A company’s true corporate identity is the sum total of all the impressions it conveys to all its audiences. A corporate image will be influenced more by the way telephones are answered, the performance and reliability of products, speed of delivery, the quality of after sales service, attitudes to the environment and personnel policy than it will by the logotype on note paper and truck sides.
“This is not to say that a corporate identification system is not worthwhile. A consistent and coordinated way of identifying a company can undoubtedly help it to achieve a higher profile and can influence the attitudes of all those who come into contact with it.”
— John Lloyd
British Airports, designed 1986.
“Corporate identity linking all Britain’s major airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Southampton. The project covered all aspects of implementation: airport and office signs, vehicle livery, communications and design management.”
View the John Lloyd archive.
My favorites are the G-clef of the fond for musical instruments and the Nicholas identity. It’s good work.
The Principal Financial Group ripped off that blue triangle logo he did for Nicholas.
I really like the logo for British airports. Its simple, but the little triangle looks like its having fun flying. Oh, yeah… NO BIRDS! jaja
I re-tweeted this yesterday.
This project in particular
is staggeringly good. True genius.
Awesome work. Does anybody know what font he used for the Nicholas project?
There is something fun about that little triangle, Victor. I see that logo almost every time I’m catching a flight, and had wondered who created it.
Nice pick, Martin. Excellent use of negative space.