“I had a great idea,” said Tim. “It’s called Landfit. I match people who have gardens that they don’t use with people who don’t have gardens who want to use that space to grow flowers, herbs, and vegetables.”

Landfit logo

“If it’s about getting people to use unused spaces, why not grow vegetables in the unused spaces in the logo?”
— Good People

Landfit tshirt

Nice idea, designed by Good People.

More negative space logos.


Lovely logo execution. Is that a slug sneaking in at the end of the logo though? Surely not a welcome guest?

The logo look good on a t-shirt too, always a good test.

Wow David, I had no idea you had posted this. Many thanks and thanks for the comments. We have been amazingly busy recently!

I’ll be in touch soon David, I promise. Lucho, keep making comments like that and I’ll have to add you to my Christmas card list!

What a fabulous idea for a company. I miss my garden but I’m too far away to take advantage.

I love the logo as well (but reducing will be a wee bit of a problem me thinks).

Clever idea, although I agree with Catherine, it’s very detailed and anything smaller than we see here would be fairly difficult to see the effect. Having said that, the name would still be legible which is the main thing!

Actually the H F W landshare site was launched on April the 9th 2009.

The Landfit logo was designed in 2008. Tim had been toying with the idea of setting something along these lines for some time as he had been operating a similar idea informally for a while with neighbours gardens.

Whoever thought if it first, it’s a great idea and a very worthwhile cause in this day and age. We support any scheme of this nature.

Often various people have similar ideas at the same time independent of one another.

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