Little Green Pig believe in “the right to write, and that this vital form of self-expression builds confidence, communication and literacy skills.”
Their co-director, Julie Watson, had this to say about the design result. “Baxter and Bailey created a perfectly formed brand identity for us which completely reflects who we are and what we do. And by creating a narrative on our business cards, they exemplified in one fell swoop the work we do: helping kids to tell their story. Beyond perfect.”
More from Baxter & Bailey.
This looks amazingly similar to Google’s Hangouts logo/icon.
Lovely design. Feels good just looking at it.
A simple yet very effective design that’s easily identifiable, just as it should be. Well done!
This logo is in a completely different market and is different enough from the Google Hangouts icon to not pose any issues. I might have opted for another color since that’s a big part of the similarity. Also, the concept behind this logo mark is really what makes it special and completely sets it apart from the Google Hangouts icon. I love it!
D Miller. Why did you have to put that comment? Couldn’t agree more with Kevin. There are obvious similarities of course but the context is totally different. When as an industry will we stop the bitching and just appreciate good work. This is brilliant. I love the ampersand. I await the hate.
I LOVE this logo. It’s one of those that is so simple, and just puts a smile on your face. Very rare that happens these days.
As a side note, this is so much nicer that the Hangouts logo, which is terrible. Why have a speech bubble AND speech marks, they perform the same task which is to represent conversation. One of the basic rules of design is to keep things simple. Well done Baxter and Bailey.
Well folks… I understand the concept behind this logo and it’s very different from google hangouts and seems very good, but in this world where 85% of people are visual and less conceptual, I dont know if it’s a good idea make an icon 90% similiar to one already created, because it will live behind the shadow of the first icon, you take this logo and do a focus group with young people and the 95% of the answers will be the same (that looks like hangout). I think those are details that must be behind every great concept.
Google Hangouts most likely looks like a bunch of other logos created throughout history. It’s quotation marks in a green circle. There’s no way that wasn’t in the public domain before Hangouts used it.
If you describe it as ‘speech bubbles in a green circle’ then of course it will seem similar to many other brand marques.
If you describe it as ‘the pigs nose with quote marks for nostrils’ it’s completely different.
That’s the power of a good idea.
I had to Google the Hangout logo because not everyone is familiar with it. I have to say that this logo is softer and smoother than the hard edged quotes and sharp bottom bubble of the Google Hangouts logo. No knock on the Google logo but I immediately thought of the pig snout when I looked at this. Job well done creator(s).
The Google Hangouts logo is nothing when compared to this. I agree with the rest. Very, very good job.