Now in its second edition, Logo R.I.P. is a collection of lost design icons. “Icons that despite achieving ‘stylistic durability’ have been deemed defunct, consigned to the logo graveyard, no longer allowed to signify.”
Published by BIS Publishers, the book was written, designed, and photographed by Amsterdam-based The Stone Twins (Declan and Garech).
An excerpt from the foreword.
“The selection contained in Logo R.I.P. reveals the optimism, skill and craftsmanship of some great classic trademarks and logos. Apart from the functionality of these marks, which represent services and trades, these logos conjure up emotional responses — which range from the depraved (the Swastika) to the ingenuous (Spratt’s).
“This book is an important alternative to the new trend in logo design that is marketing-orientated nonsense. Many of today’s solutions are produced by agencies that consist of a ratio of ten pin-stripes to every one creative. They are strategy-driven and lack stylistic durability, are missing concept, magic, wit, emotion or narrative — some of the major ingredients of a good logo. Metaphorically speaking, these agencies are the ‘gravediggers’ for many design classics.”
— Gert Dumbar, Studio Dumbar
And here are just two of the logos with a snippet of the accompanying text.
Swastika, –1945
Design: unknown
“Since the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Allies in 1945, all forms of the Swastika have been banned in many countries. Hitler took an ancient symbol and perverted it to such a degree that it can never be used again without evoking all the associations of destruction, death and vileness that the NSDAP perpetrated… Buddhists and Hindus still commonly employ the Swastika as a religious symbol.”
Spratt’s ‘dog,’ 1936–1972
Design: Max Field-Bush (UK)
“In the 1930s, the Spratt’s company diversified into many other types and varieties of pet food. These products were all branded with a series of ‘calligrams’ — a graphic device that combines thought, letters and picture… The amiable logotypes were soon erased by the slick sameness of globalisation. In 1972, the Spratt’s brand was replaced by Spillers and the charming calligrams were canned forever.”
A beautifully crafted book.
Visit the Logo R.I.P. website, and preview on Issuu.
Are you sure the (nazi) swastica was born in 1945? I think it was about the 1920…
I think it means before 1945, actually the swastika was originally a religious symbol going back thousands of years used in Buddhism and other religions.
I also think that it is also in reverse, if I recall correctly from observing the original symbols in temples and shrines used in the Far East.
@WIlsonality – You are correct. The Sanskrit (Hindu/Buddhist) goes counter-clockwise unlike the Nazi version of it.
Yes, it was a Buddhist symbol, but the nazis adapted it about 1920… the Thule Society. Hitler and Goering were members of this association…
I was wondering if this book is available in Australia.
If so, what’s its retail price?
P.s. R.I.P logos I grew up with like Kodak, Kraft, HardWareHouse, The Athletes Foot etc etc etc.
From Stephen Heller in The Design Observer:
“Included among (Wilhelm) Deffke’s prolific output, which began in the early (nineteen) teens, were dozens of the era’s most impressive symbols for commerce and government, not the least of which became the most charged logo of the twentieth century, the Hakenkreuz (the hooked cross or swastika) — prior to its adoption by the Nazis.”
Does anyone know where the Spratt’s tomb is located? Would love to know! Thanks.