“The company first launched its site in 1999 with the slightly confusing name/URL NutsOnline.com––a second choice after it found the URL Nuts.com was already taken. This year the company finally secured the Nuts.com address and made the move to the new name. With the change, the company asked Pentagram’s Michael Bierut to create a new identity and packaging that would help establish Nuts.com as a distinctive brand. The new graphics create an unmistakable look and feel that is fun, personal, and well, a little nutty.”
The old packaging design
The brand’s cartoon mascots have been redrawn by illustrator Christoph Niemann
The Nuts.com logo with variations
The Nuts.com typeface is based on a hand-drawn alphabet by Michael Bierut
For the typeface, illustration, and packaging, all put together, this is one of my favourite identity improvements of the year.
Project Team: Michael Bierut, partner-in-charge and designer; Katie Barcelona and Aron Fay, designers. Illustrations by Christoph Niemann. Font design by Jeremy Mickel based on a hand-drawn alphabet by Michael Bierut.
Seen on the Pentagram website.
Thats a lot different, but a lot better.
Niemann’s so talented. I checked out his book “Pure Evil” a while back — such a great illustrator. I can’t wait to give this one a look.
Well done. Type is great and the black type over that color palette is pop-tacular.
This is very classic in style, don’t see them having to rebrand or even refresh for decades, lovely work.
Very stylish, very clever and all-in-all, a fantastic result!
I love the hand lettering and the quirky little mascots. I was fortunate enough to see Michael Bierut speak at an AIGA event. Truly inspiring. This is awesome stuff!
Huge change. I absolutely love it. Simple, yet playful. The colors of the packaging and the type play well together. Well done!
Reminds me of innocent smoothies
We loved this branding so much that we tried to win their business as well by making this “FANimation”.